Membership & Registration

We welcome you to become a member of Lad Vanik Samaj of North America.

We are proud to announce our new online registration and payment system. You can pay from any computer or your mobile phone anytime. No need to stand in long lines and bring your check book!! Get your receipts by email! Also, you will be able to register and pay for your guests and visitors. 

Our Samaj is going GREEN and paperless. Help us save paper and a few trees! 

  1. If you were a member with LVSNA in the previous years but do not have your password, you can simply generate your temporary password. Navigate to the "MY ACCOUNT" page, and in the Login area, click on the “Forgot Password” link. Enter the email address that you had provided to us last year and click on submit. 
  2. You will get an email with your temporary password.
  3. If you do not get the email, it is possible that it was stopped by your SPAM filter, or you used a different email for registering. 
  4. Login from the "MY ACCOUNT" page using these credentials.
  5. Review your profile as well as your family members’ profiles.

If you are a new member and do not have a username and password, please CLICK HERE to register. After registration, you will get a confirmation email. Login to and create your profile as well as your family members’ profiles. Then proceed to payment page and pay online via your Credit Card.
  1. Your credit card data is not saved on our systems - instead we use the PayPal payment gateway so that your information stays safe within their highly secure, PCI compliant and encrypted data infrastructure. 
  2. After paying online, you will receive payment confirmation email from PayPal.